December 3rd - 2011

RCMP launches grow-op strategy

Addresses of Canadian homes containing dismantled marijuana grow-ops will now be listed on the RCMP website as part of the National Grow Initiative.

Addresses of Canadian homes containing dismantled marijuana grow-ops will now be listed on the RCMP website as part of the National Grow Initiative. Categorized by province, the page lists homes and businesses where search warrants were executed, as well as dates of busts and the number of plants found. Clandestine drug labs are also posted. (Current Ontario content is extremely small due to the RCMP’s limited jurisdiction here.) The public can access these addresses for one year. For more details, visit, click on Newsroom and scroll to RCMP New National Marijuana Grow Strategy.

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Ontario Real Estate Association

Jean-Adrien Delicano

Manager, Media Relations

416-445-9910 ext. 246