March 13th - 2016

Changes to pre-registration education

Important changes are coming to pre-registration education on April 1 that will boost the knowledge of new entrants to the profession. The Real Estate Council of Ontario (RECO) is making changes with support from the Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA).

Salesperson learning path

Important changes are coming to pre-registration education on April 1 that will boost the knowledge of new entrants to the profession. The Real Estate Council of Ontario (RECO) is making changes with support from the Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA).

Real Estate student in front of houseImportant changes are coming to pre-registration education that will boost the knowledge of new entrants to the profession. The Real Estate Council of Ontario (RECO) is making these changes with support from the Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA), the current education provider.

Beginning April 1, 2016, aspiring registrants will have to complete five courses before they can register to trade in real estate, instead of three. The two additional courses, including property law, were previously articling requirements. Including them in the pre-registration phase will help aspiring registrants hit the ground running when they enter the profession.

The change will apply to those who enroll in the pre-registration program beginning April 1. Those who enroll before that date will be subject to the current three course requirement.

“Real estate is a demanding profession, so aspiring registrants and their clients will benefit from additional education before they start trading,” says Joseph Richer, RECO Registrar. “We’re pleased to have worked with OREA to make this happen.”

“Improving education standards will help ensure that the salespersons of tomorrow are even more knowledgeable and capable right from the start,” says Ed Barisa, Chief Executive Officer of the Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA). “As the long-standing RECO-designated provider of real estate education in Ontario, we look forward to implementing this change. And as always, we will continue to work to improve the student experience at the OREA Real Estate College.”

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Development of new registration education program ongoing

In addition, RECO and OREA have extended their education contract until December 31, 2020.

RECO has been engaging in a thorough review of registration education, and will launch a new program in 2019. The extension of the contract with OREA will allow for an 18-month transition period between the current and new programs.

Richer says: “During our comprehensive review of the current program, we heard time and again that new registrants needed to be more practice ready when they enter the profession. We worked with OREA to see what could be done now to move us closer to that objective, as we work to renovate the program for the long term. The best solution was for the courses to be moved from the articling phase to the pre-registration phase.

Extending the contract with OREA gave us the opportunity to make this much-needed change right away and provide us the time to build the new structure. This was an important first step in the move to the new registration education program.”

You can learn more about the work on the new program here.

More info about additional courses

The Residential Real Estate Transaction and The Commercial Real Estate Transaction

Aspiring registrants will also now be required to take both the commercial and residential courses prior to becoming registered.  Previously, they would take one before registration and the other during the articling phase. RECO’s consultative review of the program showed widespread support for this change, ensuring that new registrants have understanding of both commercial and residential right from the start.

Real Property Law

The existing registration courses cover real estate law, while Real Property Law reinforces and expands on the concepts that students have learned.

New learning path

OREA has produced a learning path (see accompanying visual) that illustrates the revised requirements.

Salesperson learning path

Chart of the course changes

Enrolled before April 1

Enrolled on or after April 1

Pre-registration – three courses:

  • Real Estate as a Professional Career
  • Land, Structures and Real Estate Trading
  • The Real Estate Transaction – General + The Residential Real Estate Transaction or The Commercial Real Estate Transaction

Articling – three courses:

  • The Residential Real Estate Transaction or The Commercial Real Estate Transaction (whichever they did not complete in pre-registration)
  • Real Property Law
  • One elective

Pre-registration – five courses:

  • Real Estate as a Professional Career
  • Land, Structures and Real Estate Trading
  • The Real Estate Transaction – General + The Residential Real Estate Transaction
  • The Commercial Real Estate Transaction
  • Real Property Law

Articling – one course:

  • One elective

See more details.

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Ontario Real Estate Association

Jean-Adrien Delicano

Manager, Media Relations

416-445-9910 ext. 246