September 4th - 2012

Market Watch: Canadians support small business: survey

An overwhelming majority of Canadians (94 per cent) believe small businesses play a crucial role in the economy’s growth and almost nine in 10 view them as vital job creators, according to a new survey.

An overwhelming majority of Canadians (94 per cent) believe small businesses play a crucial role in the economy’s growth and almost nine in 10 view them as vital job creators, according to a new survey. In order to support a small business in their community, 61 per cent say they would pay more for a product or service, while eight in 10 (83 per cent) say they support small business in their community by doing business with them or promoting them, according to an RBC/Ipsos Reid survey. When choosing a small business, determining factors included word of mouth referrals, location of the business, and visibility in the community.  Visit

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