June 1st - 2015

OREA training video popular

A video blog post on how to give clear classroom instructions has found popularity on YouTube. It is just one in a series of instructional videos for trainers that help facilitate classroom sessions.

OREA training video

A video blog post on how to give clear classroom instructions has found popularity on YouTube. It is just one in a series of instructional videos for trainers that help facilitate classroom sessions.

A video blog post on how to give clear classroom instructions has found popularity on YouTube. The four-minute video, created by the Centre for Leadership Development at the Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA), is the centre’s most popular instructional video, receiving 3,391 views since it was created in 2013. Called Trainer Blog: Giving Clear Classroom Instructions, it is just one in a series of instructional videos for trainers that help facilitate classroom sessions. The video can be seen on the OREA YouTube channel at . Click on the playlist “Tips for Facilitating Learning” and search among the trainer blogs.

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Editorial Policy: The REALTOR® EDGE newsletter is produced 11 times a year by the Ontario Real Estate Association. The newsletter aims to provide practical and useful news and information about the real estate industry to members of the association. The opinions expressed in the newsletter are not necessarily those of the publisher. Submissions from the real estate community are welcome, including letters to the editor, opinion pieces, events and news. The newsletter reserves the right to edit, based on space restrictions and/or suitability, and/or to refuse submitted material for inclusion in the newsletter without reason. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without the express written permission of the publisher is prohibited. Contents are copyright of the Ontario Real Estate Association. 

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